Hi there – and hands up!
You are now a hostage of WAVE OF CRIME, a website presenting wacky crime comics from the early 1950s.
I am the brains of this small operation, and not unlike good Dr. Wertham I HATE crime comics! Not because they’re vicious, sick and twisted – but because they’re boring, cheap and mindless. Most of them. Ever read one of those absurdly overrated stories from CRIME DOES NOT PAY?
All right, they did herald a new genre and broke ground for the enjoyable follies of the so-called pre-code horror books. Still, 99% are forgettable crap.
The last percent is forgettable FUN crap.
Coming across those stories during my comic book studies made me want to present some of them. Posting the most hilarious, unusual, inventive and somehow impressive pages and panels of crime art I could find.
That’s what you’re looking at now. WAVE OF CRIME. Coming right at you!
If you wanna contact me, leave a message at the old tree stump outside Riley’s tavern.
Or hire a private investigator or find me on facebook. Just remember – you’ll never catch me align…ing crime comic books on my shelf.
